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Catalan sign language

Lengua de signos catalana: Texto
Imagen con dos manos signando.

Grammar and vocabulary resources

Catalan Sign Language Portal (IEC Grammar)

LSC learning materials and dictionaries

Multimedia dictionary Mira què dic

YouTube channel of the LSC Lab (Catalan Sign Language Laboratory)

Rodoni, M. (ed.). (2002). Els Genís i la sanitat: Practical material for learning and the interpretation of the LSC. Barcelona: DOMAD.

Rodoni, M. (ed.). (2002). Els Genís i l'educació: Practical material for learning and the interpretation of the LSC. Barcelona: DOMAD.

terminology dictionaries

Rondoni, E. (ed.). (2002). Vocabulary specific to Catalan Sign Language (LSC): Areas of knowledge of the social and cultural environment and social sciences (1st ed.). Barcelona: DOMAD.

Anti-patriarchal glossary in LSC

Scientific articles and congresses

Les Llengües de signes com a llengües minoritàries (IEC)

Lectures on Linguistics and Sign Language (INternational Linguistics Community)

Blogs about deaf culture and community

multivisual signs

Videos and parallel signed speeches


Fish Series

TV3 on demand at LSC

Entities and organizations Catalonia

Federation of Deaf People of Catalonia (FESOCA)

Association of Sign Language Interpreters and Guide-Interpreters of Catalonia (ÀCILS)

Catalan Association for Deafblind People (APSOCECAT)

Compilation of associations of deaf people in Catalonia

Entities and organizations Spain

CNSE Foundation

International entities and organizations

British Deaf Association (BDA)

National Association of the Deaf (NAD)

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